Meizu Pro 7 with Secondary Display

Meizu Pro 7 with Secondary Display

This week’s first tech news was about a phone with secondary display from a chinese company called MEIZU many of as aware of this smartphone manufacturer.But now they are coming with a super cool tech advance in smartphone industries which is secondary display located in the rear panel of the smartphone under the camera lens and flash led.

They named the device as Meizu Pro 7 and Meizu Pro 7 Plus

Click here to see full specification ====>>> Meizu Pro 7 

This screen is very use when you place your phone main screen flipped you can actually able to see the notification and time from this display.

More than that you can use this screen for taking selfie cool isn’t it.Perfect selfie with a main camera.

But does everybody loves the weird way of thinking i don't know seriously.

So what you guys think thus MEIZU surprised you by Clever engineering or they suck with Over engineered leave the comment below and i’ll catch in next tech news
